Saturday, March 27, 2010


The second grade students learned how to draw a peacock using the repetition of basic shapes. The students added vibrant color to their peacocks by using watercolor pencils.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Collage in the style of Henri Matisse

The fifth grade students learned about the paintings and the life of the French artist Henri Matisse (1869-1954). Henri Matisse is particularily noted for the various patterns that he uses in his paintings. after viewing Matisse's goldfish painting (shown below) the student used collage/multimedia techniques to create their own fish bowl scenes.

Interested in One Point Perspective?

The sixth grade students learned how to create a drawing using the rules of one point perspective. The students created drawings representing their interests in each box.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

flower collage

The first Grade Students read the book "Flower Garden" by Eve Bunting. The students used recycled, painted paper in order to make collages of their own flower gardens.

Relief Printmaking

The kindergarteners have been busy in the art room creating relief prints of their houses. The students drew a picture of their houses on styrofoam plates, and they rolled ink on the plate and printed the image.

100 Year Portraits

Last month, the kindergarteners celebrated the 100th day of school. In art class, the students drew portraits of themselves today. The students also used their imaginations to create drawings of how they thought they would appear 100 years from now. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing their interpretations!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Painting without Brushes

The kindergarten students blew through straws in order to move paint around the paper. One particularily enthusiastic student exclaimed, "Now this is ART!"

Friday, March 5, 2010

Jim Dine Hearts

The first Grade students were inspired by the artist Jim Dine, who created the painting below titled "The Confetti Heart." They created a heart mosaic using scraps of colored paper found in the recycle bin in the art room.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Forests inspired by the artist Emily Carr

After viewing the paintings of Emily Carr, the third grade students were inspired to create forest paintings! Emily Carr is a Canadian artist who drew inspiration for her paintings by her natural surroundings on the northwest coast. The students viewed pictures of the Manistee National Forest, and we discussed the differences between the forests of the northwest coast and the forests in the midwest. They used tints and tones in order to indicate highlights and shadows.